Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Hunting We Will Go!

 Yes, these are Easter pictures that are just being posted.  
Better late than never.  
I'm excusing myself since I just started this blog.
Lucy at her friend Lawson's egg hunt.
Here's Laney.  This was an egg hunt that was all 2 & 3 year olds.  
Look in their baskets! My girls  were "all business" when it started.  
They weren't concerned with what the eggs contained, just how many they could possibly collect!  They were like lawn vaccums!

Eating snacks: Lawson, Seaton, Laney, and Lucy

Group picture. 
My good friend Jackie and her little guy Seaton.  Jennifer's in the middle with her Will G. Melissa is to the right of Jen holding her brand new baby, Lake, and that's her Lawson sitting on the bottom step.  Kyle, my husband joined the picture because Laney kept trying to go back into the house to bring out this HUGE stuffed puppy dog.  Guess that's part of having twins, sometimes it takes both of us, so he gets to be in the mommy pictures! :)



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