Monday, June 15, 2009

Easter...... (I know I'm behind)

Look what the Easter Bunny brought! They were too big to fit in their baskets, but he knew they needed these bikes really bad! Every time we saw a bike at any friends/family house, my girls would go crazy.

It's hard to catch two toddlers in the same picture!

That last picture was pure luck! They were lining up rocks on the arm rest of the bench!
I promise I did not come up with that.
They just saw the rocks and started neatly laying them on the side.

After church we stopped to take some pictures, which turned out to be quite a challenge. While I snapped the camera, Kyle had to keep chasing both of them. Then we loaded up and went to Memaw and Daddy Mike's house to eat dinner. We had so much stuff in tote and were so busy, that I didn't get any pics while we were there.
After we left Memaw's, we headed to Grandaddy & Grammy's house. Then when it was time to load up, we had put in a full day.

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