Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daddy Wayne

Lucy is really telling Daddy Wayne about something.

Daddy Wayne is Kyle's grandad. The girls love to visit with him.
He is very special.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Cousins Anna & Emma's Birthday Party
Just a week apart we had two "big girl" parties we attended. First was cousin Emma. She was turning ten years old! These first 2 pictures are of my girls joining the slumber dance party upstairs before we left. They had no problem joining right in with Emma & her friends getting down! Needless to say, a few miles down the road, they were sound asleep. :)
Here's Lucy dancing her heart out!
Laney's doing some movin' & groovin' !

Happy Birthday dear Emma.....

Laney (left) & Lucy (right)

Anna's Party

Anna & Laney
Happy 14th Anna!

Lucy & cousin Alexa

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



Lucy lovin' the swing!
We had a fun morning playing, then a picnic lunch at the park and lots of swinging & sliding. They were so tired when we left, they fell asleep on the way home.

Dear Laney & Lucy,
I can't believe you are already two! Daddy and I are so blessed to have you girls in our life. You have grown so very much in the past year. You have went from barely walking to running, jumping, skipping, and even walking in your fancy "click-clicks." I have listened to you go from baby babble to new words to sentences and conversations. Being your Mommy has been one of the greatest gifts in my life. I love you so very much. There are so many things I love about each of you that I could never write them all, but here are a few:

Laney: I love the way you tilt your head when you choose a color. I love watching you collect "stuff" and carry it around very protectively. I love the way you like to take wet wipes and wipe down your toys, the floor, the countertop, and anything else. I love your special "big girl walk" you do when you feel you've done something big. I love that you can keep a straight face when you're saying the silliest things. I love how you sing "Now, Now, Now" to your blue baby and bouce him. I love the way you dance when you eat chocolate. I love watching you try to cheer up Lucy when she cries, by smiling and leaning down near her face and saying "Hey Wucy, hey!" I love that you suddenly have lots to talk about when it's bedtime. I love how you are my late sleeper each morning.

Lucy: I love hearing you repeat everything we say. I love the way you hold my cheeks with your hands to tell me something important. I love the way you attach yourself to certain shirts and hold them "like a baby" when you go to sleep. I love listening to you talk to your toys and use your imagination. I love the way you say "Gonna go check on" when someone has left the room for more than 5 minutes. I love watching you look like you're on a mission running through the house with your elbow raised and arm tucked in tight. I love how you pat on Laney to make her feel better when she gets upset.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Happy Birthday!

Memaw (Kyle's Mom) made our Dora cake. Didn't she do an awesome job!

We celebrated Laney & Lucy's 2nd birthday at the park. They, along with their friends, had a ball! I worried about rain the entire day as clouds loomed above.... but, the rain missed us! It turned out to be a really nice afternoon. The tables were covered in butcher paper and had cups of crayons and stickers to help entertain everyone during the cake time.
(since the majority of our guest were under 5 years old)
Seaton & Reagan- These are the children of my good friends Cara & Jackie. We were all three pregnant at the same time. Cara and I had the same due date, June 1st. My girls were born May 21st, Reagan was June 3rd, and Seaton was born June 21st.
Daddy Mike & Memaw gave the rocking chairs. They loved them! They were just the perfect size. They always sit in these when we venture in Lowe's. Now they have their very own.
Below is a picture of Lucy & her cousin Abby. Both Lucy & Laney LOVE Abby. They get so excited whenever she comes over to play. They would follow her to the moon and back!

Lucy eating icing off of Dora. Laney is not on the table because she is sitting in Memaw's lap. See the next picture: look at that face! Laney is loving havin Memaw to herself for the moment!

Laney (left) & Lucy (right)

The very last gift that was opened were these shopping buggies from Grandaddy & Grammy. It's a good thing that they were last. The took off with them pushing them down the walking track at the park! They could've cared less about the party, guests, cake or anything at that moment! They just wanted to push those pink shopping buggies around!

Lucy's drawing a picture on the table. It's probably a clock. They love drawing clocks for some reason or having me and Daddy draw them. I have no idea where this fascination came from.

Laney & Daddy Wayne
Grammy, Grandaddy, & Lucy
Lucy favorite thing to do: SWING!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


They sure are crazy about their Daddy!

Monday, June 15, 2009


My little Laney bug....
Laney is my dare devil in many ways. She was the first one willing to try sliding down the big slide. She was the first to ride her powerwheel fourwheeler. She LOVES swimming.
Laney has a very tender heart. She will cry if she really gets in trouble. She gets upset if Lucy takes things from her. She usually doesn't fight back with Lucy, she just cries. She loves to do kind things for her sister. She will find her doll or paci or anything she can to help her out, and say in the sweetest voice "Here Lucy."
Laney is my silly quiet one that likes to pretend she being serious. By this, I mean she will keep a serious face and say something so funny, then she'll cut her eyes over towards me in a sly way... before breaking out into a big laugh.
She loves to call out "Mommy" is several different tones, just to see how I answer.
Laney will get her blocks and build something that she is so proud of. She wants others to compliment, but will not say "look at what I made!" She wants them to notice on their on.
Laney has such a caring personality. She gets her baby dolls and rocks and sings to them.
She is my late sleeper.... and my night owl. She talks about anything in order to keep herself awake at night time..... but she crashes easily at naptime.


My little Lucy lulu... This pictures speak volumes about her. She is very entertaining. In the picture, she is wearing a new bathing suit her Aunt bought her and she just HAD to put in on right then. (There is no pool near her at the time the picture is taken.)
Lucy is very frank when she speaks at times, and if she thinks you didn't hear her, she gets this serious look and will look you very close in the eyes and repeat it..... many, many, many times. She constantly talks all the time. When Daddy is in another room in the house she tells me "be right back, gotta check on Daddy."
She can be a little sneaky sometimes with her sister, by pinching her when no one is looking. Of course, when she is told on, she looks down so you can't see her big eyes. Sometimes she'll grab a toy and start trying to tell me about it.... changing the subject.
She loves to pull out clothes on her own to put on. Our neighborhood had a garage sale recently, and she found a pair of pajama pants that are 12 months... she wears 2 and 3T. She had Kyle put them on her... they were skin tight and hit about mid-calf. It's hilarious.... and she insist on wearing them anytime she finds them. (I keep meaning to put them up, but they get laundried with the other clothes and reappear ever so often.)
She is my early riser each day. I always know that she is going to wake up before everyone else everyday. At nap time, she becomes a little wild.... and at bedtime, she goes straight to sleep.
She absolutely loves the outdoors.... especially swinging! She could swing for hours on end!

Both of my girls are so sweet and unique with their own little personalities. I love to watch them as they change and develop these little funny quirks at the different stages in life. I'm amazed daily when I look at them and realize how blessed Kyle and I are.

Easter...... (I know I'm behind)

Look what the Easter Bunny brought! They were too big to fit in their baskets, but he knew they needed these bikes really bad! Every time we saw a bike at any friends/family house, my girls would go crazy.

It's hard to catch two toddlers in the same picture!

That last picture was pure luck! They were lining up rocks on the arm rest of the bench!
I promise I did not come up with that.
They just saw the rocks and started neatly laying them on the side.

After church we stopped to take some pictures, which turned out to be quite a challenge. While I snapped the camera, Kyle had to keep chasing both of them. Then we loaded up and went to Memaw and Daddy Mike's house to eat dinner. We had so much stuff in tote and were so busy, that I didn't get any pics while we were there.
After we left Memaw's, we headed to Grandaddy & Grammy's house. Then when it was time to load up, we had put in a full day.