

Lucy lovin' the swing!

We had a fun morning playing, then a picnic lunch at the park and lots of swinging & sliding. They were so tired when we left, they fell asleep on the way home.
Dear Laney & Lucy,
I can't believe you are already two! Daddy and I are so blessed to have you girls in our life. You have grown so very much in the past year. You have went from barely walking to running, jumping, skipping, and even walking in your fancy "click-clicks." I have listened to you go from baby babble to new words to sentences and conversations. Being your Mommy has been one of the greatest gifts in my life. I love you so very much. There are so many things I love about each of you that I could never write them all, but here are a few:
Laney: I love the way you tilt your head when you choose a color. I love watching you collect "stuff" and carry it around very protectively. I love the way you like to take wet wipes and wipe down your toys, the floor, the countertop, and anything else. I love your special "big girl walk" you do when you feel you've done something big. I love that you can keep a straight face when you're saying the silliest things. I love how you sing "Now, Now, Now" to your blue baby and bouce him. I love the way you dance when you eat chocolate. I love watching you try to cheer up Lucy when she cries, by smiling and leaning down near her face and saying "Hey Wucy, hey!" I love that you suddenly have lots to talk about when it's bedtime. I love how you are my late sleeper each morning.
Lucy: I love hearing you repeat everything we say. I love the way you hold my cheeks with your hands to tell me something important. I love the way you attach yourself to certain shirts and hold them "like a baby" when you go to sleep. I love listening to you talk to your toys and use your imagination. I love the way you say "Gonna go check on" when someone has left the room for more than 5 minutes. I love watching you look like you're on a mission running through the house with your elbow raised and arm tucked in tight. I love how you pat on Laney to make her feel better when she gets upset.