Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mother's Day

Let's Go Fishing!
On Mother's Day, while we were at my parents' house, we somehow ended up  fishing.  Actually I just watched, I'm not much of a fisher.  I went a few times as a kid, and that was more than enough.  Laney and Lucy liked watching, and thinking they were fishing too. 
(They had no hook on their poles.... them with hooks would be scary!)

I forgot my camera, so all these pics were taken with my sister's camera.  My niece had it on some weird blue-looking setting.  So I had to change them all to black and white to get rid of the blue-tinted pictures!
I hate that, because all the bright green in the pictures would've been really pretty.  Oh well!

You get a line and I'll get a pole honey.....

Cassie caught one!
Laney bug

Laney and Grandaddy

Aunt Tammy and Laney

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