Milestones: Things Your Doing... and Saying

You tell anyone who ask that your name is Laneybug. You love to say "byself", meaning you want to do it by yourself. You can count to nine all by yourself, I hear you counting sometimes while you are busy playing. You know circle, triangle, and square. You like to sing "Deep & Wide", "Rockbye Baby Treetrop" and "Now, Now, Now." You are my collector. You collect anything you can find bunches of... (jewelry, Little People, wash cloths...) I constantly have to search the house to find where you have hid all the wash cloths. You like to build things with your blocks and then come show it to me. Your favorite baby is "blue baby." You like to dance. I love watching you grow into your own little person.

You tell people your name is Lucy Lulu. You like to give "special" kisses, which is when you get this very serious face, then kiss me or Daddy once on each cheek, then on the lips. You loudly sing "Farmer an the Dell" a lot, or "Happy Birthday". You know circle, square, triangle, and sometimes rectangle. You called out "diamond" the other day when you saw a sign in the Wal-Mart parking lot. You can count to 8 easily, and ten with a hint. When you see something you want, you say "I need it Mommy, Lucy needs the _____." (Fill the blank with whatever item it is.) You are beginning to play pretend really good. You like to build with your blocks and yell "Look Mommy! Come look, Mommy!" over and over until you know that I've seen it. Your favorite baby is "purple baby." You like to do your own little dance. I love watching you become your own little person.
Let's play sissy!