Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Aunt Tammy's Birthday

Happy Birthday Aunt Tammy

Lucy was proud of her picture.
We had a birthday get together at our house for my sister Tammy's birthday.

Cousin Alexa, Lucy, & Aunt Tammy

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow Days

So Much Snow!
I love this picture of Laney.    
They loved seeing their footprints in the snow.  They kept yelling it's my footprint!



It snowed all day Friday!  The girls played out in the snow and had so much fun.  It was the first really big snow (big for where we live) they've gotten to enjoy.
It has been many years since we had this much snow.  
Daddy trying to pretend he's younger than he really is :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thanks for the Christmas Cards

Thanks for all the precious Christmas cards.  We loved opening each and every one of them.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
We had a small "kid friendly" party for New Year's.    
The kids had a lot of fun, and I guess the adults did too.  

Abby playing with the girls.  Laney insisted on wearing her red polka dot p.j. bottoms.  She LOVES them!  Lucy loves to wear a tutu.  (You can see this from the pic.)

Cousins Tanner & Abby, Seaton, Laney & Lucy

Anna and Laney.  Notice Laney has made it into the polka dot red top.

Angie, Emma, Tammy, & Alexa

Lucy got comfy too.

        Amy, Tommy, and our neighbor Tammy.

Alexa and Lucy

2009 was a wonderful year filled with many blessings and good times.  I look forward to seeing what 2010 has in store for us.....