Monday, July 19, 2010


Lovin' the Water!

We've done lots and lots and lots of swimming this summer.  These are some of the days we went to Grandaddy & Grammy's  (my parents) house.

Jumping with cousins Cassie, Anna, and Emma, and our good friend "Dan-Dan"..... as Laney & Lucy like to call her.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jelly and Toast!

Jelly & Toast

Jelly & toast has become a breakfast favorite.  The only thing is they like the Jelly more than the toast.  They lick all the jelly and ask for more.  I have to explain you gotta eat the toast too!

These are two of their most favorite shirts to sleep in.  They have every silky princess gown there is.... but these are their favorites.
Now, Lucy is wearing a dress at breakfast.  She pulled this dress down from her closet every morning for about two weeks and insisted on wearing it around the house.  Laney on the other hand, has no shirt on, which is what she insist on many mornings.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Little Ballerinas

Little Ballerinas

The girls are in such a dress up-liking stage, I decided to get a few pics of them wearing tutus.  It is very common these days for us to be going anywhere and they have on tutus.






we are...


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Swimming Ballerinas

Swimming Ballerinas

These swimsuits were a birthday gift.  The girls LOVE them.  
They couldn't believe they could actually swim in a tutu.  I must say, they are pretty cute running around and jumping in the pool with these on!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

3rd Birthday

Happy Happy Birthday Laney & Lucy

This year the girls had a carnival birthday party.  One of Kyle's relatives had some old kiddie carnival rides at their house.   It was perfect for this age group!  Everyone had so much fun.  It was equivalent to the fair for these kids except there were no lines or time limits on rides :)

Notice the large red spot in the middle of her forehead?  Five minutes into our arrival at the party she was  playing and tripped over something.  Her forehead caught the brunt of the fall.  We had a bumpy start to the party, but within twenty minutes all was well!  Although, I worried for the whole night!

Laney showing how old she is now.

Lucy & Cassie

The ferris wheel was a hit!



Lucy, Kennedy, & Seaton

Laney & Abby

Daddy Mike is a great carnival ride operator!



Lisa & Lucy

Seaton & Reagan

Jenna, Lucy, Gracie, and Laney

Ty & Brady





Tanner & Grant


Jenna & Brady


Present time - chaos! 
(Two 3 year olds opening at one time)