Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All Dressed Up

 All Dressed Up

 Laney raided my closet and found lots of treasures.

 Lucy also joined in and found a beautiful blue scarf.

 Lucy put this ensemble together all by herself :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Our new neighbors

Our New Neighbor

 Some of our friends are building a house next door.  Their daughter Reagan has been getting to come over and play while they look things over  and meet with cabinet builders, sheet rockers, ect. at their house.  I think these girls will have lots of fun when they move into their house.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Family Dinner & Reunion

 Family Holiday Dinner/Reunion

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Catching up: Happy Halloween!

Halloween 2009
I am so late posting this! November & December proved to be BUSY months!
I was so glad Halloween fell on a Saturday this year. We had all day to visit and trick or treat special ones that aren't neighbors before walking our own neighborhood. Although next year, I think we may let everyone come to us. It was an exhausting day!

First, we went to Grammy & Grandaddy's house.

Then, we visited a few others I forgot to take pictures of. Here we are visiting Grandma.

Next we went to see Memaw & Daddy Mike, who were getting ready to go out themselves. Memaw was dressed as a stick person. (You have to imagine the outfit when it's dark.)

I forgot my camera when we did our own neighborhood. I hate when I do that!
These pictures were taken after we returned home for the evening.

Laney has both magic wands while Lucy pretends to eat a fake apple someone gave us.

Mouths full of candy.



Laney decided to find herself a chair and drag it into the kitchen to help herself to the candy! She gets her sweet tooth from me:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


at Grammy & Grandaddy's
Laney & her cousin Anna

Grammy & Grandaddy

Cassie (not looking), Alexa, Emma, Anna, & Laney (Lucy wouldn't get in the pic)

In the following pictures, I was trying to get one picture of both girls looking....
it didn't happen:)