Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall Festival

Reagan, Laney, Lucy

Our local schools had a recent fall festival. The games were perfect for their age. At first, they didn't want to play. I think they were a little nervous with all the people. But, once they realized each game gave candy prizes, they were all for it! One of the booths was finger nail painting. Laney didn't want hers painted, but Lucy did. They had such a fun time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch
We went to the Pumpkin Patch and had so much fun. The girls got to pick them out a pumpkin. We had some other friends there that they had a great time playing with. They jumped in the big jumper, climbed on the old tractor, and played on a merry-go-round. (I haven't seen one of those in years.) They were completely wore out by the time we left.

Reagan, Seaton, Lucy & Laney

Laney & Seaton


Mallory & Lucy

Seaton & Laney

The "Pe-nan-no" Man

The "Pe-nan-no" Man

While Kyle's sister and brother-in-law weren't home, Kyle "graciously" decorated their house with all these free Halloween decorations she had in her garage. :) They were given to her, but she wasn't real excited about the ghoulish decorations. Well, he knew once he put them up that cousin Abby would see them and love them! (therefore they couldn't take them down) Anyways, the piano guy was a hit with our girls. They would stare out the window each day to see if it was on at Uncle Greg & Laura Beth's house.
He was known as the "pe-nan-no" man.
They turned all the ghost lights around backwards..... not for sure why.

The Fair

The Fair

Trevor & Laney on the slide. Laney got mad at him and said "Trevor you go too fast!"

Ice Cream & Tutus


What fun would going out for the ice cream be if you couldn't wear your pajamas and tutus!
If you click on this picture and look closely you see Lucy has on her Santa Claus p.j. pants.
She insisted..... choose your battles right?

It's a Pirate Party!

It's a Pirate Party

We went to Ethan's 3rd birthday party. Lucy & Laney had lots of fun. They always do at Ethan & Mallory's house. They have lots to play with outside.
Loved the pirate cake!