Saturday, September 26, 2009

All the Pretty Horses...

We went to see the horses. Lucy liked petting them. Laney wouldn't touch them. Lucy wouldn't ride one, but Laney would - as long as she didn't have to touch the horse - saddle only.
Lucy & Seaton

Reagon cried the whole time her Daddy rode her.
The fence was a hit! They loved climbing it.


Sweet Summertime...

Sweet Summertime...


Play, Play, Play...

Ice Cream...
These were just a few pictures left from late summer that I hadn't posted. I do plan on turning this in to a scrapbook... so I had to post them.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Painted Toenail

Glamour Girls
Laney & Reagan


A Day Spent with Friends...
Well, the day started off with a trip to the waterpark. Sadly, after driving 30 minutes we found out it was closed for the summer. It was the middle of August! So we ended up going to Seaton's "Cici's" house to swim. Seaton, Reagon, Ava, and my girls had fun playing. My girls were so exhausted they fell asleep in the car within minutes after leaving. Swimming causes great naps :)
Laney wearing her Dora hat.

Lucy cheesing in her hat.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Daddy Wayne

Daddy Wayne
Kyle's grandaddy recently passed away. He and Kyle's grandmother, "Meme" helped keep the girls their first year after I returned to work. Laney & Lucy loved staying with him. He and Meme were very entertaining - to say the least. I'm sad the girls only had Daddy Wayne in their life two and a half years.... But, thankful for the time they were given with him also. He was very special to all of us. He will be missed very much.
We love you Daddy Wayne.

Daddy Wayne & Lucy
Daddy Wayne & Laney

A Grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.

Sunday, September 13, 2009



Lucy has started standing under the ferns when I water them. That's why her head is soaked!

Running Jump


During one of our last times swimming before fall, Laney has become even more daring .... First, she backs up as far as she can, then she takes off running, and leaps into the pool. She is my daring one! Lucy on the other hand takes it slow getting in one toe at a time:)



Several afternoons & evenings this summer our girls spent playing with our neighbors children. They are all fairly close in age, and have a good time playing together. Kyle and I also enjoy the company of the adults:) We are thankful to have such great neighbors.

The last picture:
Some of our dear friends are building a house next to us. We are excited and the girls are too, especially since they have a daughter the same age. I took the picture just to remember what it once looked like from our backyard looking down the street. I thought the girls might enjoy seeing it years from now, since they wouldn't remember what it looked like before.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Dora Dora Dora!

Napping on the way.

Laney was dancing the night away! Lucy joined her finally.

What a big day! We went to see Dora Live, and Laney & Lucy loved it. First they had to have the backpacks, of course then a shirt. They watched, jumped, and danced throughout the whole show. As you can see they played until they couldn't play anymore.