Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ring around the rosies,

Pocket full of posies,
We all fall down.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Shopping for glasses!

Shopping for Glasses

We recently found out Laney needed glasses. She loves to wear sunglasses. When we told her we were going shopping for glasses, she was super excited (Thank goodness!). The last picture is one of the many pairs she tried on. I took pictures the first day we went shopping, not realizing we would go about 3 more days because it is difficult to find a pair of frames to properly fit a two year old. She loved trying them on, even crying when we had to leave the shop without the glasses. She now has her glasses and wears them really good. I'll post a picture later of the new glasses.

Saturday, August 8, 2009



One Sunday evening Aunt Amy took Laney & Lucy to her house and she fixed them up with all kinds of "stuff." They had two old purses packed full of old jewelry, watches, and everything else. The dangling animals around the neck we also included. They loved it!
Just a picture I liked :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

It can be very difficult to get two toddlers to both sit for a picture, look somewhat in the same direction, and not pull their dress up!

This was a Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago. (I'm a little behind with posting.)
We went to Daddy Mike & Memaw's after church, got a few good pictures, then went swimming. Kyle went with his dad to get pick up some lunch, so by the time he returned they were over the picture taking moment, so the family picture wasn't so easy. Laney insisted on holding a Battleship game, and Lucy just didn't want to look at the camera.
Oh well, life's real moments :)


Laney hiding.

Lucy joining just for the fun of it.

Laney still hiding something, Lucy pretending she's sleeping.

My little Laney loves to hide all the washrags. Why? I don't know... she's my collector of things. While clothes were being folded, she collected all the washrags, and disappeared. We found her hiding in her bed, laying on top of the rags, being perfectly still.

Saturday, August 1, 2009



My girls are so proud when they build or create something. They have to carry it through the house to show me or call me into the same room to look at their master piece.