Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All Dressed Up

 All Dressed Up

 Laney raided my closet and found lots of treasures.

 Lucy also joined in and found a beautiful blue scarf.

 Lucy put this ensemble together all by herself :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Our new neighbors

Our New Neighbor

 Some of our friends are building a house next door.  Their daughter Reagan has been getting to come over and play while they look things over  and meet with cabinet builders, sheet rockers, ect. at their house.  I think these girls will have lots of fun when they move into their house.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Family Dinner & Reunion

 Family Holiday Dinner/Reunion

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Catching up: Happy Halloween!

Halloween 2009
I am so late posting this! November & December proved to be BUSY months!
I was so glad Halloween fell on a Saturday this year. We had all day to visit and trick or treat special ones that aren't neighbors before walking our own neighborhood. Although next year, I think we may let everyone come to us. It was an exhausting day!

First, we went to Grammy & Grandaddy's house.

Then, we visited a few others I forgot to take pictures of. Here we are visiting Grandma.

Next we went to see Memaw & Daddy Mike, who were getting ready to go out themselves. Memaw was dressed as a stick person. (You have to imagine the outfit when it's dark.)

I forgot my camera when we did our own neighborhood. I hate when I do that!
These pictures were taken after we returned home for the evening.

Laney has both magic wands while Lucy pretends to eat a fake apple someone gave us.

Mouths full of candy.



Laney decided to find herself a chair and drag it into the kitchen to help herself to the candy! She gets her sweet tooth from me:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


at Grammy & Grandaddy's
Laney & her cousin Anna

Grammy & Grandaddy

Cassie (not looking), Alexa, Emma, Anna, & Laney (Lucy wouldn't get in the pic)

In the following pictures, I was trying to get one picture of both girls looking....
it didn't happen:)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall Festival

Reagan, Laney, Lucy

Our local schools had a recent fall festival. The games were perfect for their age. At first, they didn't want to play. I think they were a little nervous with all the people. But, once they realized each game gave candy prizes, they were all for it! One of the booths was finger nail painting. Laney didn't want hers painted, but Lucy did. They had such a fun time.